Characteristics Of Ideal Shree Yantra

//Characteristics Of Ideal Shree Yantra

Characteristics Of Ideal Shree Yantra

Eight characteristics of a genuine Shree Yantra

Shree Yantra offers a magnitude of benefits and has the power to bring in joy, harmony, prosperity and happiness in our lives. More and more people worldwide are increasingly getting convinced about the benefits of Shree Yantra since it is also backed by Science and ancient Shastras. Considering the growing demand of Shree Yantra, there are a lot of individuals, organizations, and groups which have started creating their own versions of the Yantra and are selling those. But, the buyers need to be aware that having an incorrect Shree Yantra diminishes its purpose and does not give the complete desired results.

So how do you know if the Shree Yantra which you are buying is authentic or not? Here we describe to you 8 measures as mentioned in various ancient Shastras through which you can identify the genuine Shree Yantra.

   Check 1– Concurrency and Concentricity of Triangles

In the Shree Yantra, four upward pointing triangles and five downward pointing triangles overlap to form 43 smaller triangles. These nine

overlapping triangles must be concurrent and concentric – to balance the masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) energies and bring stability in the structure. Another important thing to note is that the central triangle must be an equilateral triangle.

Check 2– The Nine Steps

The correct Shree Yantra must have perfect nine steps of equal height. Through such perfect symmetry in geometry, the Yantra brings joy, prosperity, and happiness in the lives.

Check 3– The Base

The base existing below the nine steps of a Shree Yantra must be made of four special figures of three lines as shown in below picture. Fake Shree Yantras do not pay attention to this important detail in this sacred structure.


Check 4 – The Inner Hollowness

Yes, that’s right. The inner side of Shree Yantra must be hollow from top to bottom. The inner hollow must also have similar geometry just like the outer side. Since it is really difficult to produce inner hollowness with same inner geometry, most of the Shree Yantras available in the market ignore this crucial aspect. The inner hollowness is the storehouse of universal cosmic energy attracted by the top of Shree Yantra and multiplies it in its unique structure. All you need to do is just flip the Yantra and check for the hollowness and correct inner geometry.

Check 5 – The Weight

Ancient Shastra, Shaubhagyalaxmi Upnishada recommends that the ideal Shree Yantra should weight at least 160 Masa (154 grams) or more. Larger and heavier Shree Yantra means greater effect. Don’t hesitate to weigh the Yantra before you buy it Ancient Shastra, Shaubhagyalaxmi Upnishada recommends that the ideal Shree Yantra should weight at least 160 Masa (154 grams) or more. Larger and heavier Shree Yantra means greater effect. Don’t hesitate to weigh the Yantra before you buy it..

Check 6 – The Metallurgy

As per ancient Shastras Tantraraj-Tantram, Dakshinamurti  Sahinta  and Laksha Sagar,  Shree Yantra made with positive metals – Gold, Silver and Copper gives wealth, fame, good health, happiness, all around success, and prosperity. 

Check 7– For Prohibited Metals

While Gold, Silver and Copper are the recommended metals for Shree Yantra, Brass and Bronze are highly prohibited metals. As per ancient Shastra Tantraraj Tantram,   Shree Yantra made with Lead (Lead is a part of Brass) or Bronze gives negative results. You will be surprised to see that despite this fact, many of the widely available Shree Yantras in the market are made of these prohibited metals and hence they do not give positive effects of keeping or worshiping the Shree Yantra. 

Check 8 – The Color  

Yellow-coloured Shree Yantra is considered to be ideal for financial gains according to ancient Shastra Shaubhagyalaxmi Upnishada.   Several other metals such as Brass have yellow appearance. However, as we saw above in this article, those are the prohibited metals. To derive maximum benefits from the Shree Yantra, it must be finished with gold layer. 

Now that you know the characteristics of the ideal and genuine Shree Yantra, we hope that it will be easier for you to make the right choice.

Check out Swarna Shree Yantra, arguably World’s only Shree Yantra, which meets all the 8 criteria of an Ideal Shree Yantra.

By |2018-10-24T09:45:59+05:30May 18th, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Characteristics Of Ideal Shree Yantra

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