Swarna Sindoor – Pack of 900gram Natural Swarna Sindoor

//Swarna Sindoor – Pack of 900gram Natural Swarna Sindoor

Swarna Sindoor – Pack of 900gram Natural Swarna Sindoor

Pack  of 900 gram Natural Swarna Sindoor-1 Pack contains 9 Jars each of 100gram Natural Swarna Sindoor.
Price for shipping in India Rs. 2,110/- (includes Free Shipping within India)
Price for Shipping Outside India– US$60/- (includes Shipping cost to your destination Country)

Note – Any Custom Duty or Taxes over above price, if applicable at Destination Country will be borne / paid by the Buyer.

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A great blessing of Nature

A 100% Natural Sindoor (Kumkum) made by a unique process

1. Facts of Swarna Sindoor (Kumkum)

Swarna Sindoor (Kumkum) is made by unique process from Seeds of Sindoori plant – A 100% natural product.

Being Nature’s product, Swarna Sindoor (Kumkum) is ideally suited for worship and human use. Its use results in Positivity and truly fulfils the objective of Pooja (Worship), Abhiskek, Hawan / Homas, Festivals or Rituals and putting Sindoor Tilak on foreheads of People. It has no harmful effect at all. Use of Swarna Sindoor (Kumkum) supports environment also.

Ingredients– Sindoori Seeds Pigment (Bixa Orellana Pigment)– 100% w/w

Produced in the purest environment knowing its divine use for Pooja (Worship) and by Humans.

2. Recommendation –

Natural Swarna Sindoor (Kumkum) can be used on Yantra, Statues, Idols, Pictures, Human Body or anywhere without any adverse effects. Advised to clean within 24 Hours of pooja as it may get fungus with moisture being Natural product.

Natural Swarna Sindoor (Kumkum) is best for use in Homa / Hawan, Pooja (worship), Abhishek, to apply Tilak on the forehead by all – Men, women and children or to put bindi / Sindoor by married women.

Natural Swarna Sindoor (Kumkum) can be used as natural Gulal or Natural colour can be made by mixing it in water for Holi Festival.

Price – Swarna Sindoor (Kumkum) is available in two sizes –

3. The Ancient Facts of Sindoor (Kumkum) –

The Sindoor (Kumkum) is being used since the beginning of civilizations on various occasions as a mark of auspiciousness. Beginning of Pooja (Worship), Abhiskek, Hawan / Homas, Festivals or every Ritual is done by offering Sindoor to God and by putting Sindoor Tilak on foreheads of People involved.

According to ancient Shastras offering Sindoor (Kumkum) to the Deity during Pooja, Hawan, Festivals gives positive divine Energy of Deity to the worshipper. By offering Sindoor (Kumkum) to the Deity and then by applying it on Forehead, we receive strength, glory and longevity from goddess Maa Shakti.

In the ancient Shastras, reference of Sindoor (Kumkum) is for Sindoor (Kumkum) obtained from Natural Sindoori Plant only. We planted Sindoori Plants and using Sindoor (Kumkum) produced from Sindoori Seeds and enjoyed its positive benefits.

According to the ancient shahstras, Tilak of Sindoor (Kumkum) promotes Intellect and Saatvik energy in our body. The Cosmic energy flows from our Third eye chakra. This chakra gets activated by putting Sindoor (Kumkum) which results in increased mental concentration and wisdom. For this reason, before start of rituals and important work, Sindoor (Kumkum) is applied on the forehead.

4. Facts of Mostly used Sindoor (Kumkum) Now-a-days–

In the present time, Natural Sindoor has been replaced by Chemical and Synthetic Substitutes for the commercial benefit which are produced easily and at a low price.

Sindoor (Kumkum) available in the Market contains Red Lead along with Alum or Lime water (Calcium Hydroxide) and Turmeric. Lead is a negative element for any divine purpose according to ancient Shastra Tantraraj Tantram.

Another component of Sindoor is Mercury. Mercury is obtained from Cinnabar Ore commonly called Vermilion which is used to make red Lacquer in China and Dyes in India. Irrespective of its toxic nature, it is being used to Produce Sindoor (Kumkum).

Artificial/synthetic Substance in Sindoor (Kumkum)– Mercury, Red Lead, Lime water (Calcium Hydroxide) are negative Elements.

Most of Sindoor (Kumkum) available in the Market are produced by using such harmful Substance. Its use on Idol and Yantra erodes the Surface of Metal. Its use on human causes greying and loss of hairs, roughness and Irritation of Skin. Many instances are found where such Sindoor (Kumkum) has adversely affected Vision if it goes in to Eye and causes Poisoning in body if in-taken. It adversely affects environment also.

Recommending use of Natural Swarna Sindoor is a divine act and service to Humanity.


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